Remelyn has been a Licesnsed Zumba Instructor since October of 2011. She is also licensed to teach Aqua Zumba, Zumba Step, Zumba Toning, Zumba Gold, Zumba Kids, Zumbini, Zumba Sentao, Strong by Zumba, POUND, R.I.P.P.E.D., Tabata, PiYo, G.E.A.R., and Bokwa. She is a 12k VIP with Le-Vel.
Remelyn loves to learn! She takes a lot of trainings to keep up with the constant changing of the fitness world. She loves to give. She has hosted annual Party in Pink Zumbathons for the last five years and offers her help and support for other various Zumbathons when she can.
Remelyn is go with the flow and doesn’t want any negativity in her life! Her family is her biggest support system- without them she wouldn’t be able to do what she does. She intends to go higher in the fitness industry and continue to grow.